Use Your Inside Voice: Turn your inner critic into your inner coach
We know we are capable of doing, being, and having more, if only we could get motivated and maintain change. If you have a critical voice inside your head that drives you relentlessly toward unrealistic standards, you may give up before you even begin. How can you stop harsh self-judgment from sabotaging your efforts to grow and achieve more success? How about turning that inner critic into an inner coach? In this session, you will learn how to do just that.
LouAnn Clark spent two decades battling depression before she learned to become happier and healthier by taking control of her own thoughts. Today, she is an award-winning speaker and author of the book, A Decided Difference, sharing strategies and practical techniques to help overcome stress and anxiety. A dynamic storyteller, her refreshing "renovational" approach to change enables her to connect with audiences and inspire them to rise above their previous limits.